All The Reasons We Won't Return to Mormonism
Reason #62: LDS Members Believe God the Father Was Once a Sinner
I ran across this video and it blew my mind. Portions of it were filmed at the April 2009 General Conference of the LDS Church. from Aaron Shafovaloff on Vimeo. For more information, see The Mormon Mirage 3rd Edition: A Former...
Reason #61: Peace After Leaving Mormonism
Ironically, the Church proclaims itself to embrace all truth. The believers may sing "Oh, say what is truth"" but truth for them is whatever fits their belief. What does not fit is spun or ignored. Belief trumps evidence. Obviously,...
Reason #63: Male-Female Dualism in the LDS Deity
LDS controversies over the last few decades regarding gender have centered in three areas: the idea of a heavenly Mother (or Mothers), women"'s role in the LDS Church, and same-sex issues. LDS author Linda P. Wilcox, in her essay, "The Mormon Concept of a Mother in...
Reason #60: The Nature of LDS Truth
Since leaving the Church, I have been puzzled that my many Mormon friends have not shown interest in engaging with me over the reasons for my disaffection. Arguing such points does not interest them nor me, but the elephant in the room is hard to...
Reason #59: LDS's Exclusivistic Claim to Truth
Of particular interest was my discovery of many people outside the Church who had exceptional powers, such as healing, effecting other physical change through thought, or extraordinary intuitive knowledge. Of greatest importance to me were those who were...
Reason #58: LDS Leaders' Linguistic Abilities
After finishing graduate work in linguistics and education at BYU in 1976, I found professional work in the translation department of LDS Church headquarters in Salt Lake City. Even though I thought I already knew a lot about language from my study of...