All The Reasons We Won't Return to Mormonism
Reason #82: Mormon Myths of Bible Textual Transmission
As I have studied textual criticism at the graduate level and have investigated for myself some of the documents from which the New Testament was translated, I am awed at how God has protected His Word. However, when I was in LDS seminary, teachers compared textual...
Reason #81: Mormon Doctrine Forbids the Worship of Jesus
Mormons make it very clear that they believe that their concept of "God" means the Heavenly Father only, and not the Son nor the Holy Spirit. Thus it is logical for them to be uncomfortable with the idea of worshiping Jesus Christ. Here is an excerpt from a...
Reason #80: Mormonism Misrepresents the Christian Trinity
A speech by LDS apostle Bruce R. McConkie shows how Mormonism has for years misrepresented what the Christian world teaches and believes about the Trinity. Here is an excerpt from a speech he gave at BYU: True and saving worship is found only among those who know the...
Reason 79: Mormonism Teaches Three Gods
One of the most powerful tools used by Mormons to discredit traditional Christianity is the concept of the Godhead. Mormons have a description of three deities: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, each of whom has a distinct history and ontology. This is, I...
Reason #78: How the LDS Church Advises Members to Treat Critique
Published criticism of Mormon doctrine and practices (so-called “anti-Mormon literature”) has been a thorn in the side of the Mormon Church for decades. For many years the official stance of the LDS Church was simply to ignore pamphlets and books but in the 1990’s...
Reason #77: The Earned Cultic Status of Mormonism
A significant number of people do not believe that Mormonism is Christianity, according to this poll. And a great many people, myself included, believe that Mormonism is a pseudo-Christian cult. In other words, it uses the language of the Bible, and bases many...