All The Reasons We Won't Return to Mormonism

Reason #133: Today's Mormons Don't Know The Church's Past

I have read that a very high percentage of members of the LDS church today are first-generation. Recently I had the following experience with one of them: About two months ago I sat at a restaurant with a college student who had grown up Mormon as she recounted to me...

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Reason #131: Joseph Smith Could Cut and Paste

A reader recently sent me a section of an article that's being circulated among Mormons. Its premise is that the Book of Mormon reflects Semitic peculiarities. The original article is here. (Update: Apparently Sami Hanna left the LDS church and here is a retraction of...

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Reason #130: Because I Won't Ever Be that Fascinating

I was a faithful Mormon "girl" at BYU when Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin was the gold standard for Mormon young women. In the dorms we often talked about some of the ideals of this book. It had a lasting effect on me in several ways. 1) Even at the time I...

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Reason #128: Vikings Can't Prove Mormonism

Some LDS apologists are touting an archaeological excavation of a settlement at L'anse aux Meadow to try to draw a parallel between the mythical Nephite metallurgy and that of Vikings. But that's not a legitimate parallel, notes an observer on the RfM message...

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