All The Reasons We Won't Return to Mormonism
Reason #143: Because Blood Atonement Doesn't Go Away
The recent decision by a convicted Utah murderer, Ronnie Lee Gardner, to insist on being executed by firing squad because of what he calls "my Mormon heritage" is telling. According to The Salt Lake Tribune, "Blood atonement has played a role in books about the 1977...
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Reason #142– One Eternal Roundabout God
A Confusing Deity Everything about the Mormon godhead is a confused mess if you accept all the supposedly-inspired teachings of LDS leaders. Brigham Young said that God was Adam.[i] Adam, according to LDS theology, was Michael in the pre-existence.[ii] Michael was the...
Reason #141: The LDS Trinity — or Trinities?
When I was a faithful Mormon I believed that the LDS understanding of the Godhead was much more clearcut and understandable than the Christian's concept of the Trinity. However, a recent post on Mormon Coffee brought the implications of LDS godhood into focus: The...
Reason #140: Changes in the “eternal” temple ceremonies
Many middle-aged and younger Mormons express doubt when told about the LDS temple endowment ceremonies of the past. A series of major changes happened about 20 years ago, including the change of women's covenanting obedience to their husbands, the elimination of the...
Reason #139: The Downgrading of a “Standard Work” of Scripture
A recent article in an LDS publication gives a hint to how the Mormon church may choose to deal with the embarrassment of the Pearl of Great Price. Like many other elements of Mormonism which have brought negative attention to the LDS church, it may just "go away."...