All The Reasons We Won't Return to Mormonism
Reason #155: More detail on the Kinderhook Plates
A commenter on a previous post asked for direct evidence that Joseph Smith ever claimed to have translated the infamous Kinderhook Plates. Below is a detailed discussion about that subject, from Utah Lighthouse Ministry. In his attack on our...
Reason #154: Joseph Smith's Polygamous Marriages Produced No Children
When I was a Mormon, I was taught that Joseph Smith had only one wife, Emma Hale Smith. I have since learned that Joseph Smith married over two dozen women -- and apparently consummated some of those marriages. To date, no proof exists to substantiate the claims of...
Reason #153: A Greek manuscript fooled Joseph Smith
Most students of Mormonism know that Joseph Smith claimed to have the ability to translate ancient documents, specifically to produce the Book of Mormon and portions of both the Pearl of Great Price and the Doctrine and Covenants (Section 7 in particular.) A deeper...
Reason #152: LDS teachings about the pre-existence of men and women
The Pre-existence Thus LDS doctrine says each person was a fully functioning, born entity long before his mortal birth. In an attempt to find Bible justification for this point of view, Mormons quote Jeremiah 1:5: “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and...
Reason #151: Because of the Heresy of a “Heavenly Mother”
One of the most complete and well-documented online sources for information about the LDS teaching regarding a "Heavenly Mother" was written by ex-Mormon Janis Hutchinson. Her article, THE DIVINE MOTHER GODDESS OF MORMONISM begins with these eye-opening quotes: “To a...
Reason #150: Because of the LDS heritage of “fallen prophets”
One characteristic of religious groups that have branched off from, or departed completely from, the LDS Church is the teaching that one or another of Mormon prophets "fell." This is particularly true of most polygamous Latter-day Saint groups. Though the RLDS (now...