All The Reasons We Won't Return to Mormonism
Reason #160: LDS attitudes toward non-supportive books
When I was a Mormon at BYU, someone left a pamphlet printed by Jerald and Sandra Tanner on the doorstep of my off-campus apartment. I wanted to read it, but a roommate told me that it was just hateful lies, printed by a couple who had been excommunicated and wanted to...
Reason #159: Continuing Revelation– or Corporate Revelation?
This week I had the privilege of visiting at length with members of the Christian musical group, Adam's Road, and their road crew. If you do not know about this group, you must visit their website -- a unique thing about them is that all of the musicians served...
Regarding Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally
After being invited by Moody Radio Chicago to be a guest on their morning show, one call-in listener said that her husband has questions about the theology of Glenn Beck, especially as manifested in his Restoring Honor Rally in August 2010. I would like to...
Reason #158: The whole becoming a god(ess) thing
This is an excerpt from my book, The Mormon Mirage 3rd Edition: A Former Member Looks at the Mormon Church Today(Zondervan, 2009). Also available as an audiobook and as an expanded-text E-book for Nook, Kindle and other reading devices. Becoming a God Once...
Reason #157: Rampant, Mystical Polytheism of Mormonism
A recent post by a BYU site shows that Mormonism cannot possibly be classed as monotheistic. Here it is below, in question and answer form: Q: How can God be all-knowing and still progress eternally? A: An article by James R. Harris explains that some students have...
Reason #156: The Book of Mormon Restored What?
Does the Book of Mormon itself restore—or even mention—doctrines missing from the Bible? No, in fact, the theology of the Book of Mormon isn’t Mormon – at least, not twenty-first century Mormonism. Latter-day Saints quote Doctrine and Covenants 20:9,...